For this guide I am running the NextCloud AIO on a stock install of ubuntu server 20.04. LINK After you get Ubuntu installed and setup make sure to update the server running the following command. Once the updates are done we now need to install docker, run the following command as root. Now we need…
Mobirise Fix
Hate the “Created with Mobirise” at the bottom of your webiste? If you remove, alter or edit the line of HTML that adds the “Created with Mobirise” the format of the entire page blows up. Reverse Engineering I decided to purchase the pro version of Mobirise, I first exported the website before the purchase and…
Dell Lifecycle Controller Automatic Firmware Updates
Dell has a simple and easy way to automatically update all firmware on your server. First reboot your server Wait till you see the options in the top left hand corner of the screen. Press F10 to enter the Lifecycle Controller Once in the Lifecycle Controller, press the “Get the Latest firmware“ Select “Network Share…